This is the ninth in a series on The Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. This podcast will focus on the next aspect of the Spirit which is Goodness. We will discuss how God is good and how we can show that same goodness through our lives.
**3 John 1:11 - This scripture instructs us to follow good.
**James 4:17 - This scripture advises us that if we know to do good and don't do it then it is sin.
**Psalm 107:1-15/21/31 - This set of scriptures explain how God is good.
**Romans 12:1-3/9-21 - This set of scriptures explain what steps we should take in order to produce goodness through our lives.
**Matthew 5:14-16 - We are instructed to the let the light of Christ shine through us in everything that we do in order that others will see the goodness produced out of us and will glorify God.