The Creators
We are Tony and Wendy and live in Morgan County, IN. We have been in various parts of ministry since 2007 including teaching children and adults, preaching, evangelizing, and music. We feel blessed that God has given us these various talents to use in service of Him.
The new year of 2020 brought significant changes to our lives. We felt the push to move our ministry in a different direction than it ever had been. Our first steps led us to record a podcast and start a Facebook page and TNW Ministries was born. With the help of our daughter, our website (www.tnwministries.com) was launched within weeks. Not only does this site contain all our podcasts, but also contains written bible study notes to for each one.
We appreciate your support and prayers as we continue to take the gospel into all the world as stated in Mark 16:15. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and would like to, please contact us at tnwministries@gmail.com. We would love to welcome you into the family of Christ!
God Bless!

Wendy and Anthony Morgan